Photo by Thank You Very Little
Levei tanto tempo a falar deste sonho. Juro que pensava que se o sonhasse, afirmasse, gritasse em voz alta ele iria despedaçar-se em mil bocadinhos de nunca. E tratava de o carregar às costas silenciosamente, como um tabu ou uma pedra preciosa, protegendo-o incansavelmente do mundo real. Deixava-o lá, no mundo dos sonhos. A maturar e a saturar, a deixar-me inquieta, sempre a pedir a minha atenção. Como um bichinho carpinteiro insuportável. Sempre a tentar fugir, a saltar do trono que lhe dei, a tentar ser maior e mais real. E na junção dos pequenos momentos em que o deixei prevalecer e levar a melhor, ganhou tamanha força que deixei de o controlar e proteger.
Há uma frase de Paulo Coelho que diz: "O amor é como uma represa; se há uma brecha onde possa passar um fio de água, em pouco tempo as paredes serão destruídas - pois a corrente será incontrolável." E é isto que acontece nos sonhos também porque, no fundo, são feitos de amor.
**It took me so long to talk about my dream. I swear that I thought that if I dream, claimed it, shouted aloud, my dream will shatter into a thousand bits of never. Thus, I silentlyload it up on my back, like a taboo or a precious stone, relentlessly protecting it from the real world. I left it there in the world of dreams. To mature and saturate, leaving me restless, always asking for my attention. Like a pet that needs our attention. Always try to run, to jump of his throne, trying to be bigger and more real. With the junction of all the small moments in which I let him prevail and get the best out of me, he gained such force that I stopped to control and protect him.
According to Paulo Coelho: "Love is like a dam. If you let a small trickle of water seep through the gap, it will finally blow the walls and there comes the moment when you can’t take control of the element. And when the walls collapse, love will overtake everything."
And I believe that this is what happens to dreams because they are made of love too.**
**It took me so long to talk about my dream. I swear that I thought that if I dream, claimed it, shouted aloud, my dream will shatter into a thousand bits of never. Thus, I silentlyload it up on my back, like a taboo or a precious stone, relentlessly protecting it from the real world. I left it there in the world of dreams. To mature and saturate, leaving me restless, always asking for my attention. Like a pet that needs our attention. Always try to run, to jump of his throne, trying to be bigger and more real. With the junction of all the small moments in which I let him prevail and get the best out of me, he gained such force that I stopped to control and protect him.
According to Paulo Coelho: "Love is like a dam. If you let a small trickle of water seep through the gap, it will finally blow the walls and there comes the moment when you can’t take control of the element. And when the walls collapse, love will overtake everything."
And I believe that this is what happens to dreams because they are made of love too.**
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