Que a primeira mensagem deste blog seja sobre sonhos. Não dos que se criam pelo cansaço dos dias tornados noites, não daqueles que esquecemos pela manhã. Dos outros. Dos maiores e mais profundos. Dos constantes. Dos que nos mantêm acordados, alertas e vivos. Esses, que são maiores que as simetrias pré-traçadas da vida. Dos que são feitos do mais profundo sentido de nós. Sim, esses que nos indicam sempre o melhor caminho, o mais feliz e completo. Esses mesmos que, apesar de fazerem funcionar cada átomo do nosso destino, são tantas vezes recalcados e escondidos. Sobretudo pelo medo. É desses mesmo que quero falar na primeira mensagem deste blog. Porque é por causa deles que aqui estou.
**Let the first post of this blog to be about dreams. Not those created by the fatigue of the days that become nights. The others. The largest and deepest. Those who are constants. Those that keep us awake, alert and alive. Those, larger than the pre-drawn symmetries of life. Those, made of the most profound sense of us. Yes, those who always show us the best way, the happier and complete. Yes, those that, make it work every atom of our destiny and are often repressed and hidden. Primarily, by fear. It is about them that I want to talk in this first post. Because its for them that I am here today**
**Let the first post of this blog to be about dreams. Not those created by the fatigue of the days that become nights. The others. The largest and deepest. Those who are constants. Those that keep us awake, alert and alive. Those, larger than the pre-drawn symmetries of life. Those, made of the most profound sense of us. Yes, those who always show us the best way, the happier and complete. Yes, those that, make it work every atom of our destiny and are often repressed and hidden. Primarily, by fear. It is about them that I want to talk in this first post. Because its for them that I am here today**
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