Não sei exactamente precisar o dia em que este sonho nasceu. Acho que ele se desenhou pelo alinhamento de pequenos momentos perfeitos, pela junção de quem sou e onde descobri que quero chegar. Levei muito tempo a dizê-lo em voz alta. Tempo demais. Cá dentro, ia construído cada linha deste círculo mas não pensava que o fosse fechar. Hoje tenho a certeza que sim.
Mas falemos do sonho. Não, vamos começar pelo início. Pela menina que nasceu numa ilha. Uma ilha perdida no Atlântico. Alma de milhafre, coração banhado a mar e céu. Pensava que todo o mundo era só aquela ilha, aquelas fronteiras de mar. Depois descobriu que haviam cidades e locais que não eram ilhas, donde nem se vê o mar, sítios longínquos ... como o mundo é grande, afinal! A ânsia por descobrir este mundo levou a menina para longe da ilha. E ela achou que tinha tudo. O mundo inteiro para conhecer e tantas coisas novas para descobrir. Mas, depois, o tempo passou e o tudo virou nada. Porque o tudo que ela achava que tinha, não era nada quando o coração não está lá por inteiro. Faltava aquele mar e o cheiro a sal. A família. Os almoços de domingo. A Natureza. Sempre a Natureza.
E assim chegou a hora de regressar a casa. O sonho do regresso. E de construir um lugar, feito de alma e coração, para mostrar ao resto do mundo, porque é que os corações que chegam a esta ilha, perdem sempre um pouco de si ao partir. Quero voltar a ser ilha.
**I do not know exactly when this dream was born. I think it was designed by the alignment of small perfect moments, by the junction of who I am and where I want to get. It took me a long time to say it aloud. Too long. Inside, I was building each line of the circle but I never thought that I will finish it. Today I'm sure.
But let's talk about dreams. First, let's start at the beginning. For the girl who was born on an island. An island lost in the Atlantic Ocean. With the soul of a bird, a heart full of sea and sky. She thought that the worl was just that island, those boundaries in the sea. Then, she discovered cities and places that were not islands, faraway places ... showing that the world is big, after all! The urge to discover this world took the girl away from the island. And she thought she had it all. The whole world to know and so many new things to discover. Then, everything became nothing. Because the everything that she thought she had, it was nothing when the heart is not there entirely. Lacked that sea and the smell of salt. The family. The Sunday lunches. Nature. Always Nature.
Thus, it was time to return home. And to build a place, made with heart and soul, to show the rest of the world, why the hearts that come to this island, always lose a bit of themselves when they have to leave. I want to be an island again **
**I do not know exactly when this dream was born. I think it was designed by the alignment of small perfect moments, by the junction of who I am and where I want to get. It took me a long time to say it aloud. Too long. Inside, I was building each line of the circle but I never thought that I will finish it. Today I'm sure.
But let's talk about dreams. First, let's start at the beginning. For the girl who was born on an island. An island lost in the Atlantic Ocean. With the soul of a bird, a heart full of sea and sky. She thought that the worl was just that island, those boundaries in the sea. Then, she discovered cities and places that were not islands, faraway places ... showing that the world is big, after all! The urge to discover this world took the girl away from the island. And she thought she had it all. The whole world to know and so many new things to discover. Then, everything became nothing. Because the everything that she thought she had, it was nothing when the heart is not there entirely. Lacked that sea and the smell of salt. The family. The Sunday lunches. Nature. Always Nature.
Thus, it was time to return home. And to build a place, made with heart and soul, to show the rest of the world, why the hearts that come to this island, always lose a bit of themselves when they have to leave. I want to be an island again **
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